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High Holiday Requests 2024/5785

Adath Emanu-El

2024/5785 High Holiday Request Form

High Holy Day tickets are included in your membership fee. We’d like to get a true sense of how many congregants intend to join us in-person. Please fill out the relevant information below for attendance info, extra tickets, prayer book borrowing, Book of Rememberance, flowers, youth services, etc.

All information and payments must be returned by August 26, 2024 by using this electronic form or the paper form you received in the mail.

Services will be available both in person and online.
Prayer books will be handed out at the service. If you previously purchased books, we ask you kindly to bring them with you. 
   Total number attending in person
   Total number attending online
Maximum one set per congregant.

Additional Tickets (Children 23 years and younger, College students and Military are complimentary)

Select additional ticket quantities below.
Complementary tickets are only for children 23 years or younger, college students or military.
Please separate names with semicolons(;).
Please separate names with semicolons(;).
Please separate names with semicolons(;).

Book of Remembrance
Please list all names that you would like included in this year’s Book of Remembrance. We automatically include those members of our congregation and their family members who have passed away since the previous Yom Kippur. Names listed will be included for a minimum contribution of $25. Larger contributions are welcome and appreciated.
Please separate names with semicolons (;). If you checked the above box to include names listed last year, do not list them again here. Only list additional names.

If you purchased a plaque for your loved one, it is not necessary to list their names as they will automatically be included in the book.

Contributions for Flowers

Bulletin New Year Greetings
$10 per submission. Each submission is for one line of up to 25 words in the Bulletin.
Enter one line of text, up to 25 words per line, for each submission. The number of lines must match the number of submissions paid for on the previous question.

Teen High Holiday Options

Teens (grade 7-12) have three options. They may attend the regular service with their families, they may start out in the regular service and then leave to attend a teen service, or they may volunteer to help with youth programming for the whole duration of the adult service.

If teens are signing up to volunteer for the youth (K-6th) program:
  • they must be available to help at both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipper services. 
  • Teens must be enrolled in Teen Night to volunteer. 
  • Only eight spots are available.

Child Care is available for children ages 2-5 years old, at $15.00 per child, per day.


Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785